Europejska Ogranizacja Badań Jądrowych zapowiada kolejne postępowanie przetargowe wyłaniające dostawcę elementów na potrzeby eksperymentu n_TOF.
Kategoria przetargu: Optyka, fotonika, kriogenika, technologie próżniowe, technologie gazów
Market survey: Refer to MS-4394/EN
Oryginalna treść ogłoszenia:
Supply and installation of X-ray diffractometer (XRD)Supply including design, installation, testing and commissioning of the new cooling stations (for the experiment n_TOF) and the associated chilled water production and distribution system.
CERN intends to place a contract for the design, supply, installation, testing and commissioning of the new cooling stations and the associated chilled water production and distribution system, including nitrogen cooling circuit, demineralized and borated water skids, chiller, pipework, extractor fans, filters and ductwork and power and control cubicles.
Interested firms shall have a proven competence and experience in the fields of design, supplying, installing, testing and commissioning of cooling stations and associated chilled water production and distribution systems (cf. also MS-4394/EN „small projects”).
Market Survey scheduled for dispatch: Refer to MS-4394/EN
Invitation to Tender scheduled to dispatch: Second quarter 2019
Contacts and Interest in being contacted:
To express an interest please send an e-mail to
Technically: F. Dragoni
Commercially: B. Jenssen