Kategoria przetargu: Optyka, fotonika, kriogenika, technologie próżniowe, technologie gazów
Market survey: IV kwartał 2019
Oryginalna treść ogłoszenia:
Supply, installation, testing and commissioning of a heat recovery station at Point 8 of LHC (France) (01030302)
CERN intends to place a contract for the supply, installation, testing and commissioning of a heat recovery station at Point 8 of LHC, including two 5MW water-water heat exchangers, connection pipework, accessories and instrumentation, to be connected on the primary side (CERN side) to the general return circuit of SF8 cooling towers, and on the secondary side to the Ferney-Voltaire district network.
Interested firms shall have a proven experience and competence in the field of supply, installation, testing and commissioning heat exchangers, connection pipework, accessories and instrumentation.
Market Survey scheduled for dispatch: Refer to MS-4394/EN
Invitation to Tender scheduled to dispatch: Fourth quarter 2019
Contacts and Interest in being contacted:
To express an interest please send an e-mail to procurement.service@cern.ch
Technically: P. Pepinster Paul.Pepinster@cern.ch
Commercially: B. Jenssen Bjorn.Jenssen@cern.ch
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