CERN rozpoczyna procedurę wyłonienia dostawcy kriostatu dla projektu High-Lumosity.
Kategoria przetargu: Optyka, fotonika, kriogenika, technologie próżniowe, technologie gazów
Deadline: 30/06/2019 r.
Oryginalna treść ogłoszenia:
Design and supply of flexible cryostats for the High-Luminosity Project
Design and supply of flexible cryostats for the High-Luminosity Project (02250700)
Description and/or Specific Condition:
CERN intends to place a contract for the design and supply of ten flexible cryostats to be used for superconducting transfer lines for the High-Luminosity Project. Each flexible cryostat will have a length of up to 140 m and a minimum bending radius of 1.5 m. The flexible cryostats will consist of two concentric corrugated pipes (industrial pipes made from austenitic steel 316 L or equivalent).
Interested firms shall havions and cryogenic performance as specified by CERN. The cryostats shall have been qualified at cryogenic temperatures from 4.5 K to 10 K. Contacts and Interest in being contacted:
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