Europejska Organizacja Badań Jądrowych CERN otwiera postępowanie mające na celu wyłonienie dostawcy ultra szybkiego systemu laserowego dla zderzacza hadronów CLIC (ang. Compact Linear Collider).
Oryginalna treść ogłoszenia MS-4502/EN/CLIC brzmi:
CERN intends to place a contract for the supply of an ultrafast laser system designed to operate with femtosecond duration electron bunches,capable of producing sub-millijoule level ultraviolet pulses (in the 250-270 nm range) with femtosecond duration at a repetition rate of at least 10 Hz, with ultra-low timing jitter (of less than 100 fs). The pulse duration of the laser shall be tunable (300 fs – 2 ps), and shall produce an output with high stability and quality.
Interested firms shall have proven experience and competence in the delivery of laser systems to photo-injector and accelerator facilities.
Więcej informacji na ten temat można zaleźć w bazie CERN:
CERN: Forthcoming market surveys and calls for tenders
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