NBPI water cooling system 1026 and NBOA Helium Atmosphere System 1028

Kategoria przetargu: Optyka, fotonika, kriogenika, technologie próżniowe, technologie gazów

Deadline: 11/01/2021 r.


Oryginalna treść ogłoszenia:

NBPI water cooling system 1026 and NBOA Helium Atmosphere System 1028

The scope of the delivery is the NBPI Water cooling system 1026 for the cooling of the Neutron Beam Port Inserts as well as the NBOA Helium Supply system 1028 for the helium supply of the Optic Assemblies within the Neutron Beam Port Inserts. The full project delivery is of 2 main feed lines, 42 riser lines including media connector and 16 instrumented panels.


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