Supply of 350 VMEbus Subracks for the CERN Accelerator Control System

CERN poszukuje dostawcy 350 Subracks VMEbus dla kompleksu akceleratorów CERN.


Kategoria przetargu: Optyka, fotonika, kriogenika, technologie próżniowe, technologie gazów



Oryginalna treść ogłoszenia:

Supply of 350 VMEbus Subracks for the CERN Accelerator Control System

CERN intends to place a five-year contract for the supply of three types of VME64x subracks (2-, 6- and 17-slot)with remote monitoring and control over Ethernet

Interested firms shall have a proven and relevant competence and experience, including an on-line web catalogue with similar VMEbus subracks and in-house engineering resources with knowledge about VMEbus subrack design, cooling and development of remote monitoring and control. Market Survey scheduled for dispatch:

Second quarter 2019

Invitation to Tender scheduled to dispatch:

Third quarter 2019

Contacts and Interest in being contacted:

To express an interest please send an e-mail to
Technically: H. Van Der Bij
Commercially: L. Abel



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