Until 9 May 2019, the first stage of the ITER tender procedure (“Call for nomination”) is in progress. As a result of the procedure ITER will sellect company or institution, which will provide safety and accident analyses to organization.
Category: Electronic engineering, electronics, mechanical engineering, material engineering
Deadline: 9/05/2019 r.
Original text of ITER annoucment:
Support for Safety and Accident Analyses
On request, the supplier shall perform safety analyses and safety demonstration on subjects
such as:
(1) Radiation protection (e.g. shielding calculation, ALARA approach…),
(2) Confinement (beryllium, activated dust, activation corrosion products, tritium),
(3) Accident scenario,
(4) Fire,
(5) Explosion (dust and hydrogen isotope explosion),
(6) Lightning (protection measures, impact of magnetic field, etc),
(7) Flooding (analysis of the systems and vessels containing fluids, detection measures, impact reduction, etc),
(8) Overpressure, missile and pipe whip effects (identification of pipe or component under high pressure, prevention, impact on PIC/SIC, etc), and mechanical risks (load drop…),
(9) Chemical risks (use of beryllium and appropriate zoning, requirements on Test Blanket Modules, etc),
(10) Waste management (waste study, waste zoning, waste management),
(11) Human factor,
(12) Instrumentation & control.
How to apply?
ITER Call for Tender is a staged procurement process for high value contracts as described below:
- Stage 1: Call for Nomination, where Domestic Agencies are formally requested to provide the names of potential candidates. The candidates shall liaise with relevant Domestic Agencies to express their interest for a required supplies, services or works. The IO could also add a potential candidate if needed after having informed the DA.
- Stage 2: Pre-qualification, where the IO will establish a list of qualified suppliers amongst the nominated entities, based on specific selection criteria. All nominated companies receive the pre-qualification package.
- Stage 3: Call for Tender, where only the pre-qualified candidates will receive the tender package from IO. Tenderers shall submit offers in response to the Call for Tender package composed of Instructions to Tenderers, IO Technical Specifications, Special and General Conditions of Contracts. The evaluation of the tenders submitted has two steps: first the technical offers are evaluated with respect to the award criteria indicated in the Instructions to Tenderers and only those obtaining scores higher than the technical threshold indicated shall be considered for the financial evaluation. The financial evaluation is based either on the combined quality and price scoring mechanism (best value) or on the cheapest technical compliant offer.Source: ITER website
Check what ITER tender procedures will open in the near future: